
Showing posts from September, 2024

Ooh dear, now how did THAT happen?

It can't be true, man!  But it is. I have just learned of the passing of Brian Trueman at the age of 92, so I'm kind of writing this in a mad haze. Maybe I'll edit it later or maybe not, who knows. While there's a lot to be said for fine-honing one's writing, sometimes it's good to just get raw feelings out and leave them as they are.   I'm not going to get all maudlin here. I am however going to take the opportunity to put down why I enjoyed his work so much and in my own humble way, attempt to learn from and emulate all the aspects of it that appeal to me. Also, as if re-animating a vampire corpse, I'm going to resurrect this blog, however briefly! Growing up, I imagine a lot of children, when asked who their idols were, might have listed the names of popular singers, footballers and movie stars. However, I was one of those strange kids, who most likely would not even recognise these celebrities. Nine times out of ten, my heroes were nothing more than